Build Caring, Engaged School Communities, Nurture Character, Foster Cross-Cultural Understanding easily within ELA
12 downloadable award winning multi-cultural stories w audio files, activities and discussion questions (includes cultural background) aligned to both SEL competencies and character strengths great for ELA and Social Studies.
Perfect for story time, listening stations, assemblies, and even listening from home or car.
We are all fellow travelers, young and old alike, on the path of how to be good. Each story is like a journey. They can carry us to far-away places, places where special people live, and special things happen. But the most special place is in our hearts. And when we connect with the light in our hearts we can learn how to brighten our whole world and make our world the most special place.
The Stories with Embedded Social and Emotional Learning Competencies and Character Strengths
Story Title | Theme | Performance Character Strengths |
Audio | Activity & Discussion Questions |
The Turtle Who Just Couldn’t Keep His Mouth Shut | A story of self-control | Responsibility, Self-discipline | ||
When Children Could Fly | Overcoming hurt/sadness Dealing with injustice. | Grit, Resilience, Coping, and Upstanding |
Story Title | Theme | Moral Character Strengths | Audio | Activity & Discussion Questions |
The Child Who Swallowed the Sun | A story to nurture your hidden gifts | Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Courage, Honesty | ||
The Boy Who Saved His World | Courage, Responsibility | Caring, Compassion, Courage |
Story Title | Theme | Civic Character Strengths | Audio | Activity & Discussion Questions |
The Real Bargain | A story of caring and sharing | Respect, Empathy, Generosity, Citizenship | ||
The Elephant and the Blind Friends | A story of respect for other’s opinions | Inclusion, Acceptance | ||
The Wooden Bowl | A story of respect for other’s opinions | Inclusion, Acceptance |
Story Title | Theme | Intellectual Character Strengths | Audio | Activity & Discussion Questions |
Shifting Sands | A story of forgiveness | Acceptance, Respect, Fairness | ||
The Elephant and the Stray Dog | Friendship across barriers | Critical thinking, Open-mindedness |
Story Title | Theme | Character Strengths | Audio | Activity & Discussion Questions |
The Little Girl Who Spoke with Trees | Learning from and taking care of nature | Concern for environment, Citizenship, Responsibility | ||
The Kingdom of How to be Good | Cooperation – from “me to we” | Contributing to the common good | ||
The Little Girl and the King | Honesty – Character is what you do when nobody is looking | Honesty, Integrity |